Meet Jaysun. He is a Senior Consultant.

Jaysun has been a Maximo consultant for 30+ years. He enjoys working at Maven because of the respect everyone has for each other and the teamwork mentality within the entire company. Jay loves a good challenge and solving problems – all while being organized. His autobiography would be I Did It My Way. The perfect title for a dependable, organized, and problem-solving person. Solving problems comes easy when three traits to describe Jay are empathetic, trustworthy, and respectful.

Speaking of respect, the last book Jay read was A Promised Land by Barack Obama. Because of this book and their shared life experiences, he has high regard for Barack and Michelle Obama, and he would love to meet either of them, but specifically Barack.

The coolest and most important thing he is seeing happen today is that young people are breaking down racism and discrimination. Knowing what he knows now, he wishes he could tell himself when he was younger, “It gets better.” Don’t dwell on the things you can’t change; focus on the future and what you can change. Focus on what to do next and spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the right answer.

Not only is Jay a sensible and wise man, but he is also a well-traveled person. His favorite place in the world is Prague, Czech Republic, but his favorite meal was Schnitzel in Munich, Germany. Our bet is he plans to continue his travels as everything continues to open back up!

We have asked Jay to share five more things you may or may not have known about him.

  1. What is the most recent app you’ve downloaded? MyShake – Earthquake notification. He lives 5 miles from the San Andreas fault in the California desert.
  2. Who would you most like to swap places with for a day? Former President Jimmy Carter
  3. What is your #1 pet peeve? People not doing what they say they are going to do.
  4. Ten years ago, who did you think you would be now? Night Club Owner
  5. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Play the piano

Fun fact: He absolutely hates doing laundry.