This article was co-authored with Electra Learning to find out how you are planning for MAS 8 and new technology. Maven and Electra are conducting research on MAS 8 and very interested in hearing your opinion. The survey will take between 2-4 minutes to complete. Scroll to the bottom of this article or click here to take the survey.

The new year is here, so it seems like the right time to make resolutions, changes, and press the “reset button.” Every year, millions of people set New Year’s resolutions. But did you know that 23% of people quit by the end of the first week and 64% after the first month?

Why is this?

It is not that people do not want to change because many have the desire to learn new things and grow. Some believe the new year is the perfect time to develop a new habit or break a bad one. A resolution can help you become better at something you do every day – things like being more productive, genuine, and creative.

If you fall into the “quitting category” and have been unable to complete your professional resolutions in the past, below are some practical ways to change your behavior at work and accomplish your goals.

Take Breaks.

Employers should encourage their employees to take breaks, and employees should take breaks. However, a lot of employees feel guilty leaving their desk because there is a mindset that being physically at your desk means you are working harder, and a break will make you look less productive. But here is a secret, the most productive people do not work longer; they work smarter with frequent breaks. There’s great benefit in breaks, and we can all gain from them.

This year, set reminders on your calendar for breaks and make a resolution to step away from work periodically throughout the workday — no email and no work calls during this time. But when you are “at work” be hyper-focused on work. Close the non-work-related tabs that you have open and remind yourself that there is a break coming.

Ask For Help.

There is often a fear when it comes to asking for help at work. Many think that asking a question will make you not appear as smart as your peers, but if we do not ask questions, we could be setting ourselves up for failure or wasting time trying to figure out the answer ourselves.

As Carl Sagan said, “There are naïve questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question.”

So, remember, there are no dumb questions. You may be missing necessary information to complete a job. Management and peers are often willing to help answer questions but do not know you need an answer unless you ask.

If you are a manager, you may want to set the tone with your employees. Make sure your team understands that you want to answer their questions, and not to worry whether they seem naïve or ill-phrased.

As Maximo experts and trainers, we encourage our clients to ask questions – even the ones they think they should already know. When they do, it becomes clear that their questions are not dumb at all. Maximo and Enterprise Asset Management are broad and deep topics. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for one person to have all the answers. Reaching out to others for help adds context and builds upon the knowledge you already have, making you even stronger as a professional.

Embrace New Technology.

Technology is constantly evolving with things like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and Digital Twins. Not only should we embrace emerging technology, but we should invest in the resources available to learn about the new technologies.

For example, now is the time to invest your resources in the Maximo Application Suite (MAS). MAS delivers next-generation Asset Management applications on a single platform. From the cornerstone legacy-rich Maximo Manage – to next generation AI/AR products with Maximo Safety and Assist – to predictive modeling with Maximo Predict, MAS provides products for your Asset Management needs today and tomorrow.

As we start the new year, we encourage you to explore the new features of MAS including its new technology platform, deployment options, licensing model, security changes, and portfolio of products. There is a lot to explore! We’d love to learn what MAS topics are at the forefront of your mind, so we created a short survey about MAS and would like your feedback. The survey is anonymous, and we will provide you with the results in a future blog post.

Discover how Electra Learning and Maven Asset Management can support you this year. May your resolutions reward you in 2023. From our team to yours, Happy New Year!